WeBookCare offers two ways of listing a job on our platform, job postings and shift offers. How are they different?
Posting a job allows you to describe your care needs in detail so you can find the perfect care connection. You decide on the credentials, job type, employment classification, rates, and care services based on the care recipient's needs. Your job posting is listed on the Health Care Workers dashboard and they can apply. You can then shortlist your favorite Health Care Workers and decide which ones you would like to meet and ultimately hire.
Shift offers are helpful when you need a Health Care Worker in a pinch due to an unforeseen absence of your regular Caregiver or when you need help on a casual basis. When you broadcast out a shift offer, you fill in the same details as the job posting and we will Smart Match you with a list of Health Care Workers who best fit your request. Health Care Workers can accept the shift offer, but you get final approval. Shift offers are available for Health Care Workers and they must be sent at least 24 hours before your start time.
When you’re deciding between posting a job and sending a shift offer, consider how long you plan to have care. Shift offers are best for one-off shifts where you need a Health Care Worker on a casual basis.
When is posting a job better?
You need a live-in, full time or part-time Health Care Worker.
You’re looking for a regular, ongoing schedule.
You want to employ a Health Care Worker who requires you to review applications, screen candidates, and make your hiring decision.
When is a shift offer better?
You’re looking for a companion to take you to an appointment.
You're looking for a break.
Your regular Caregiver is absent due to unforeseen circumstances and you need to fill in a shift.
You need care quickly, Shift offers are sent directly to multiple caregivers to help you find care quickly.
You prefer the convenience of on-demand care and pay-as-you-go payments.
How do payments work for each?
Shift Offers
Shift offer payments are pay-as-you-go. When you create a shift offer, you're asked to enter your credit card, which is used to pay your Health Care Worker. Our payment processor, Stripe, may initiate a pre-authorization charge. However, the full payment isn’t transferred directly to the Health Care Worker's account until 24-48 hours after the shift has been completed. For more detailed information on payments, see our Help article.
Payments for jobs are managed by our payroll service. You can process your payments via direct deposit or cheque,
How do vetting and messaging work for each?
When searching for a Health Care Worker, you can send a job posting, shift offer or message using the Message button located on every Health Care Worker's profile. With this message, you can ask more questions about their availability, care services or ask questions.
WeBookCare runs enhanced background checks on Health Care Workers upon onboarding. You can ask the Health Care Worker for additional background checks or request documents.
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