The rates you charge for your care services is completely up to you. To inform your decision about what rate to set, you can search for comparable profiles in your city or neighbourhood to get an idea of market prices. Set the right rate. Explore pricing strategies and other best practices. Go to the Education Centre.
Why are there custom overnight rates?
Awake night shift rate
Working an awake night shift is not easy. It is considered a less-than-desirable shift due to fatigue, stress, and a higher risk of injury. For that reason, awake night-shift Health Care Worker are known to be paid more. In general, awake night shifts pay an extra 10% of your hourly rate. Also called vigilant overnight care.
Sleeping night shift rate
Typically, hours the Health Care Worker spends awake will be expensed at their full price, with sleeping hours costing less than your hourly rate. Also called non-vigilant overnight care.
Full Day: Live-In rate
Live-in Health Care Workers are paid a flat daily rate for 24 hrs. Usually between $160.00-$250.00 per day, for a Care Seeker to have a Health Care Worker at a live-in rate (which is usually cheaper than the hourly rate) is required that the live-in Health Care Worker have at least 8 hours of rest and sleep during the night. And if the Health Care Worker isn't able to sleep through the night, then it should be the full awake night shift rate. Discuss with the Care Seeker to find out what you expect of the family when it comes to meals. Most Health Care Workers will buy and prepare their own food if required.
WeBookCare Tip: WeBookCare is not responsible for the collection of payments on your behalf that are not incorporated into your pricing.
Can I collect additional fees directly from my Care Seeker?
Receiving payment through WeBookCare is cashless, convenient, and keeps your personal details safe and secure. Paying outside of WeBookCare’s system can put you at risk for fraud or allegations of theft. Never take money from a client. Or anyone for that matter. You may be blamed for stealing money when you haven’t. If you do have out-of-pocket expenses that need to be reimbursed, communicate through your WeBookCare account so you have peace of mind with our built-in security features. You can accept jobs, work out care details and send or receive money for incidental expenses all through your WeBookCare account.
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