Health Care Workers can always decline any inquiries or job offers they can’t accommodate, but they should do so within 24 hours. The following reasons for declining job offers may include:
Care location too far
Double booked
Request goes beyond my care services
Early or late start or end time
Extra Care Recipient
Job offer does not come on the right day
Job offer is too long or too short
Job offer leaves a gap between existing jobs
I'm not comfortable with this request
Whether a Health Care Worker accepts or declines, the amount of time it takes to respond to requests is factored into their response rate. Rejecting many requests can have an impact on subsequent search results, as well as acceptance rates. When Health Care Workers decline a job offer, they can choose to keep the calendar dates unavailable or make them available for someone else. Health Care Workers are asked to update their calendar regularly, so they only receive job offers for when they can help. If the Health Care Worker changes their mind and would like to accept a job offer they declined, send a new job offer.
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