Health Care Workers can choose their daily care schedules such as Day Hours, Overnights (awake & sleeping) and Live-In Care. To add or edit your daily care schedule on your smartphone:
- Go to Profile
- Select Update Profile
- Go to the Rates & Availability section
- Check off when you want to work (Day Hours, Overnights, or Full Day: Live-in)
- Scroll down and enter your daily care schedule rate(s)
- Next, select Save & Continue
To add or edit your daily care schedule on your desktop computer:
- Go to Profile
- Select Health Care Worker Profile
- Go to the Set Your Rates section
- Check off when you want to work (Day Hours, Overnights, or Full Day: Live-in)
- Scroll down and enter your daily care schedule rate(s)
- Next, select Save & Update
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