Part 1: Preparing for Orientation
Before you can hit the floor, you’ll need to complete an orientation. The more experience you get, the more you’ll realise that each facility, floor or unit will be a little different. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to orientations. While it can be daunting to look at everything needed on the first few shifts, WeBookCare support staff bring unparalleled customer service and experience to ensure you’re comfortable and prepared.
First Day Instructions
As soon as WeBookCare receives instructions from the facility, you will receive your first-day instructions. Keep in mind; each facility does things differently, so while some send out detailed instructions covering all the bases, others might offer the bare minimum. Your first-day instructions can include any of the following:
Orientation itinerary
Location & start time of your orientation
Contact information for your facility and/or unit
Scrub color and/or orientation attire
- Photo ID
Time recording details
What to expect at your orientation
First Day Tip: If you didn’t receive much information, don’t panic. You will likely receive more details upon arrival.
Prerequisites & Orientation Modules
On occasion, a facility may require you to complete additional tasks before starting your job, like completing training or orientation modules. WeBookCare will pay for you to do approved tasks before starting. From paperwork to modules, you’ll want to complete these as soon as possible, so your onboarding and orientation run smoothly.
Part 2: Orientation Expectations
The facility will be your go-to support system for anything that arises on the job. Before your orientation they may review the following:
Health Care Worker standards: WeBookCare Health Care Workers are the best in the industry. We maintain valuable relationships with facilities because they know our Health Care Workers are top-notch. Expect a few quick dos and don’ts.
Scheduling: This can be the most significant point for new staff. The facility and WeBookCare may review schedule expectations with you.
Orientation goals: Since every orientation is different, your facility team can help you determine need-to-know info so you can leave your first day feeling confident by helping you to identify specific goals and facility policies, from ensuring you know how to sign in to understanding the reporting procedure.
Still feeling anxious? Your team at WeBookCare has your back and a track record of success.
Part 3: Real Orientation Experiences
While we’d like to break down specifics for you, we simply can’t. Each facility has different procedures, policies, and needs. Some facilities are in desperate need of help so they may expect you to hit the ground running after a day or two of orientation. Others may offer a full week of training. So in terms of length, attire, and whether or not you’ll have others orientating, expect the unexpected.
You Can Almost Always Expect
Facility Orientation
Floor or Unit Orientation
Regardless of location, one can almost always expect a brief computer training segment and generally a minimum of 4 hours of floor orientation. Skills testing may vary from one facility to another.
Part 4: Orientation Advice
While things will absolutely vary from facility to facility, floor to floor, and unit to unit, these are constants you can take with you:
Ask the important questions. Get confirmation about ratios, dress code, scheduling, calling in sick, time off requests, float policy, etc. as well as get a list of significant phone numbers, door codes, and a brief facility tour if possible (or at least where the crucial places are like the cafeteria and staff room).
Organize, organize, organize. Complete all assigned paperwork/tests/homework and have a hard copy for you and WeBookCare. Bring a folder for your new paperwork and passwords. You can also save your passcodes on your phone in a secured app or notes. Do your research on the area, and facility and even visit the site BEFORE your actual orientation; this will help you get a feel for the traffic and time to walk to your on-site location.
Bring a smile! Have FUN! It’s just orientation. You already got the job. You are needed. Learn what you can and as much as you can. Meet others, open up, and enjoy your new scenery.
Part 5: Asking the Important Questions
What time do I need to clock in by? Where do we meet for reporting? Where are the supplies?
Most questions will arise during your orientation. DON’T BE SHY. Many people are quiet when starting at a new place, which is normal, but being open and receptive to new people helps a lot.
Clocking in & out: The number one question I always ask when orienting to the facility is where do I clock in? I also need to know what time I need to clock in and out by. This is to ensure that I’m getting paid for my time.
Charting: Ask questions about the charting.
- Training: Employees are encouraged to ask for additional orientation and/or training as needed.
- Reporting: Who should I report to for questions, concerns and incidents? The nurse in charge?
Build connections: More often than not, you’ll find you aren’t the only new Health Care Assistant starting at that time. This helps people not to feel alone when working in a new place.
The other big thing is to be open-minded to the experience.
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