WeBookCare’s Review Policy
To build a platform of trust, we ask our community to help ensure that reviews on WeBookCare are fair and honest and don’t expose our community to harm. Therefore, we expect that all communications help us to deepen our relationships with people in our personal and work lives. Knowing how to listen well and communicate clearly will help you to overcome diversities, build trust and respect, and create conditions for success with career. This is why we love it when Care Seekers leave reviews on WeBookCare and when Health Care Workers can learn from this feedback to provide better care services and stronger relationships with Care Seekers.
We have a few guidelines and policies that we ask all our Users to follow. Here are a few ideas that good reviews possess:
Be fair and honest.
Be caring and respectful.
Speak from your own experience.
Keep it constructive.
Want more detail? Check out our official review policy below.
Every job on WeBookCare can be reviewed after it's been completed. We take all claims of misinformation and hurtful action very seriously. Reviews containing such claims may initiate an investigation by our Customer Support team.
We prohibit:
Reviews that do not represent Users’ first-hand experiences.
Content that violates another person's or entity’s rights, including privacy rights and intellectual property rights. (Example: publishing another person’s full name, address, or other identifying information without permission.)
Threats, especially of any illegal activity.
Content unrelated to the actual booking. (Example: political, religious, discriminatory, or social commentary.)
Content that is proven to be used as extortion.
Content containing obscenities.
WeBookCare supports open communication, and as a general policy, we do not censor, edit, or delete reviews. However, we do reserve the right to remove reviews or responses, or portions thereof, that violate this policy or the WeBookCare Terms of Use.
If you feel a review is untrue
While we encourage and expect all Users to post reviews that contain objective and accurate feedback, WeBookCare doesn’t mediate disputes concerning the accuracy of reviews. We expect the author of the review to stand behind the content of their review.
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